Do You Teach or Do You Educate?
This video was very interesting! I enjoyed how it was put together and the music they had chosen. I definitely can say that the points made about "educating," were on point. I plan on being an educator, in my near future. My goal in life is to lead my students to success, and on the same path headed forward and make sure my students remember everything I teach them even years after they leave me.
I don't want to just teach them something and have them memorize it to move on to the next grade. I want them to be able to retain any knowledge in a way that will let them carry it with them in the following grades to come. Anything that my students learn from me should be something that they can teach to others and their fellow peers if necessary. I want to educate my students in all areas of life, if possible. As a future educator, I want to be encouraging, inspiring, and reliable.
Tom Johnson's Don't Let Them Take The Pencils Home
Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home, was quite interesting. I never, before, even payed any attention to the fact the most teachers focus more on the cause of a problem, rather than the solution. Now that it has been brought to my attention, It makes sense to me now. As a student, I have encountered teachers that would always tell me why a certain plans failed, but then when were left in the dark about what to do next. It was, "Well that didn't work, so we won't do that again," instead of "Well that didn't work, so let's try and understand why, and possibly come up with a solution!" Many times teachers are always focused on test scores and in what manner the child is completing their projects. In my opinion, it does not matter if the child is "just doodling with their pencils," as long as it has some type of effective learning takes place. Teachers should stay focused on the best way to help children succeed and realize that "our" plan for their learning, may not be what's best for their learning! We should always come up with solutions to problems rather than dwell on their causes.
"I never, before, even payed any attention" Better: I never paid (not payed) attention... You missed the metaphor. Pencils mean computers.