Sunday, April 22, 2012

Class Blog #12 A

Creative and Curiosity?? My Thoughts Assignment #12 A

Curiosity may in fact have killed the cat. But It has satisfaction brought it back. Curiosity can be a positive emotion that leads to the discovery of something great. It can also lead to dangerous instances when you don't executed. At this very point the educator is most in demand. Guidance during the exploratory and curious stage is necessary to online safety and unreliable data. One of our many "hats" reads: "Quality Control Agent."

"Why" is a wonderful word. It leads to reasoning and the investigation of an answer. Perhaps time constraint within the classroom has lead the teacher towards curiosity. But this sounds like an easy way out. I have three boys and I am aware of the time and energy they demand when in search of something. It is definitely a better streamlined model to simply "fill the head" and wait for the burping back of a few answers at test time. But what indeed did the student learn but to memorize and regurgitate. Was a real and tangible connection made with the information and will it be retained by the student? The answer, sadly, is probably no. Maybe along with time constraint is the limited funding and available supplies for the classroom. In many school systems art, music, and even science labs have seen huge budget cuts, up to and even elimination. Three classes are good examples of curiosity and creativity in motion. I, for one, was never bored in these three subjects. I was in fact I was challenged and rewarded. The outcome was usually positive and encouraging for next time.

A curriculum can in fact be created by in which increases the creativity of students. The key component is direct teaching style with student involvement. The Constructivist School concept uses engagement as a means of education. The teacher leads the learning process through a series of question/exploration/experimentation/thinking and understanding. The student has an active role in their education and learns how to think, not simply what to think. Not only is the student's education enhanced but also their social and communication skills. The educator's role is that of a guide instead of a supreme being. Technically the burden of teaching is delegated to the student. In a way this is a win-win solution for the teacher and student. Change is gradual and not always welcome. Dr. Strange through EDM310 is hoping to instill creativity, curiosity in his students so that we become the positive agents of change that is needed within the any school system we are hired into. An Executive in retail once told me, "Change is always a good thing. So we have to be interchangeable." I want to be a positive change.

For most students there is no shortage of curiosity. The handicap here belongs solely to the teacher's inability to foster this curiosity in a productive learning atmosphere. Why give out all the answers at once. Learning should not be as simple as "plug and chug." Instead I can give out the most basic information, hint about interesting concepts, and challenge my students to engage in their own investigation. If I introduce the topic and then we brainstorm about the concepts which naturally leads to the need for more information gathering. The focus is on "gathering" not "getting." The next step is to construction. The students have free reign to the design and materials. I plan ahead and involve parent's resources for basic materials. It is the students role to investigate, collaborate, design, build and, in reality, lead their learning. This is not the typical lecture, worksheet and paper test classroom model. This one involves more involvement for students and teachers (at first).

1 comment:

  1. "But It has satisfaction brought it back." Doesn't make sense to me. What do you mean?

    "It can also lead to dangerous instances when you don't executed." I don't understand. Maybe you meant expect it rather than executed. Or many you hit a powerful electric wire and were electrocuted. I don't know.
